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Why does my dog limp suddenly

Although the dog walks on four legs, he will still limp when his leg is injured. Limp is a very common problem for dogs, but it is not a normal phenomenon. Limpness occurs as a result of injury to one or more parts of the leg, including the leg bones, muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, or skin. But it is not easy to figure out the cause of the limp. This article will introduce several reasons for dog limp.


1. Trauma to the foot

The dog’s foot may have stepped on a sharp object and cause a cut to the foot. These traumas can cause open wounds to the feet and cause bacterial infections. At the same time, the dog will keep licking his injured area. When you find that the dog has this behavior, you need to see if his paws and legs are injured.

2. Joint disease

As your dog gets older, it is just as prone to arthritis as humans. If you find that your dog is walking limping, you can carefully check and move the different joints of that leg. When you move his joints, you will be able to feel a crackling sound. At this time, there is a high probability that the dog has a limp caused by a joint disease.

3. Cruciate Ligament Disease

The cruciate ligament is one of the most important stabilizers in a dog's knee joint. Similar to the human anterior cruciate ligament, it provides a cushioning function inside the knee joint. This ligament often tears in overweight dogs. If this happens to your dog, then take him to the pet hospital for orthopedic surgery.

4. Broken toenails

If your dog accidentally breaks the toe nail and causes the toe to bleed, even if the bleeding stops, your dog may still limp for a few days because this break will expose the soft tissue in the center of the nail and the toe will still be painful.